Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Jewish Wedding Traditions

We have several customers that request information on what is included in a Jewish wedding ceremony -- so I decided to post it here for all the world to see!

Here is a list of the common Jewish Wedding Traditions as they would be found in a wedding program:

The Ketubah - Jewish Marriage ContractThe Ketubah is the Jewish wedding contract which reflects the commitment and responsibilities shared between the Chatan and Kallah. As with all legal Jewish documents, the Ketubah requires witnesses to be considered valid. Our friends, (name) & (name) will serve as our witnesses.

The Bedeken -- Veiling of the BrideAs a symbol of modesty, (Groom) will lower (Bride's) Veil over her face so that he will be the last to see her before the wedding ceremony. This reminds us of the biblical story of Rebecca who veiled herself upon seeing Isaac. Her action signified her intent to share her life with Isaac.
Just prior to the Bedeken, we ask (insert name here) to share a few words about marriage and the family.

The Chuppah -- The Wedding CanopyThe Chuppah is a symbol of the new home that (Bride) & (Groom) will build together. Surrounded by their parents, (Bride) & (Groom) will show their commitment to creating a new home together. (Bride) will circle (Groom) under the Chuppah seven times.

Kiddushin -- Betrothal
Kiddushin includes two betrothal blessings. The first blessing, Kiddush, is over the wine.
The second is Erusin, the betrothal blessing, consecrating (Bride) & (Groom) to each other.

The betrothal is enacted by the giving of rings, a reminder of the life they will now share.
(Groom) will place a ring on (Bride's) forefinger and say, “Behold, you are consecrated to me according to the laws of Moses and the people of Israel.” (Bride) will accept the ring and say,
“I am my beloved and my beloved is mine.”

Nissuin -- NuptialThe Ketubah is read aloud in its original Aramaic. Nissuin consists of Sheva Brachot,
The Seven Blessings. (Bride) & (Groom) will join together under the tallit, the prayer shawl,
to receive the seven blessings. These blessings show that marriage is not just a contractual relationship but a sanctification of two souls to a Jewish way of life.

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